6/30/03:ok... today i'm going to act like losers on those nickolodean shows where they write in a diary and pretend its a person... oh, and, read this aloud and in a dreamy, far away voice to pretend your hearing my thoughts...
today someone said god made everyone equal. but i know he didn't. he made you EXTRA SPECIAL!!! i love you! today Billy Patterson made fun of you! he said that your pink dress i gave you was too "girly" but i'll show them!...
ok... thats enough, its begining to sound gay...
6/29/03:ah... summer vacation. one whole weak of nothing but sitting around dreading what will happen next monday... *drools*
6/22/03: well, today I saw THE HULK at the movies... it's, well, different. but, i truely enjoyed it. I think it's really worth seeing... SO GO!
6/21/03:WAHOO! GO ME! I GOT HARRY POTTER 5! I WAS IN LINE FOR OVER 3 DAYS... AND GOT RAINED ON, AND GOT A COLD, AND ALMOST STARVED TO DEATH, BUT, I GOT IT! YES! currently, I am reading it for the 4th time, but i am SOOOOOOO jealous! caus my neibghor has read it over 6 times! errrr! i am absorbing every piece of information. i can tell you the third word in the fith paragraph on page 539! yes! oh, look for me! i'm that guy on the news that yells "OH MY GOD!" go me! ok, i'm going to read, so shut up... you see, Harry Potter is the only reason why I live each day, so i've been suicidal for over 3 years, 3 YEARS! but, now, NO! YAHOO! ok, i'm going to go...
6/18/03:today i added my updates section...
6/5/03:ok... something is REALLY ticking me off... I mean, look at the picture below...
see what I mean? i mean, why can't the ENGLISH version color the word "green" in green? are we too lazy, or are we too poor? i mean... really! heres the lazy english version of it...
5/31/03:WOW! THEY CAUGHT RUDOLPH! one of the FBI 10 most wanted. don't know who he is? he's that retard that set off a bomb at the '96 olympics, a gay/lesbien nightclub, and 2 abortion clinics. whats more? he was hiding in NC, my state! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! or not... whatever, just thought that was cool and wanted to keep you updated...
5/29/03:I think Sarbar would like the phone number in BRUCE ALMIGHTY 'caus he'd like to be called god...
5/28/03:heh, today was an odd day. I got the rumor going that i was "beat up" by a 5 year old... at first I was pissed at my friends, the patrix and sarbar, for not dropping it, well, I was untill pbegan braging he finally found a way to "skrew me up" and bar made a funny remark... and I just learned it was out of jealousy or rejoice caus its hard to tick me off...
5/23/03:here, more content to read while I take a valuable 10 seconds away from your life
5/17/03:MY SITES BACK UP! MY SITES BACK UP! NANEE NANEE MY SITES BACK UP! (nanee nanee? what the heck?)
5/9/03:ahhhhh... what a great day! it was potentially the most boring, but, my friend invited me to go to a place called... uh... never mind. the name does not matter. its the knowledge of what has happened to me today. anyway, me and my friend...uh... um... drove... yeah. we drove a... ummmm... well, why should you care? i spent 3 hours doint the uh.... driving... thing. then, I went home and got... uh... bruning red skin... SUNBURN! yes, i got sunburn. my first of the season, and probably the last, i dont last long outside. besides, if i get SUNBURN again.... I could get skin cancer... and if that happened........uh........
5/7/03:ah, what a glorious day! its cloudy, hot, and a chance for sevear thunderstorms left over by the (duh, Duh, DUH) "NIGHTMARE STROM!" but, really, it bugs me listening these people in Kansas, the dead center of "tornado valley" complaining that tornados came by and destroyed everything except for a soggy box of matches. It's their fault they live there, they knew a tornado would come finally. I do feel sorry for, however, the people in Tennessee. they aren't quite known for their raging tornados...
also, good news! it looks like gameXtreme finally found a way to get rid of their surpluss supply of councils. they bribed McDonalds to buy all of them and sell them free with kids meals! look for them sometime next month or so...
5/5/03:I was warped back home from "grandma's house" with technologies I take for granted, but I thought that the reader(s) would be interested in how it works. well, too bad! HAHAHAHHAHAHAA!
5/4/03:today, i I was at my mom's cousin's house, who is a NY state trooper. I was playing with his little son when I walked by and say mom staring intently at a photo album. I had little time to guess what was in the album when my mom motioned me over to see. it turned out that the state trooper-who's name is brent- was going to celebrate his 8th anniversary...on september 11th, 2001. they had dinner reservations and a babysitter for their son, it was all planned out. but these plans were in vein because brent was called up to NYC after the terrorists struck. He had taken a camera with him, and took pictures of the devistating scene. it was quite breath-taking... something you will never see in an old news report or newspaper artical... it was quite special indeed
5/3/03:right now I'm in a tank at "my grandma's house" we're surrounded by sand, old russian tanks, and some old redneck farmer trying to shoot us with a rifle. well, he was, we took care of the problem...
oh, yeah, don't ask how the heck im reporting this without a computer or anything onboard, lets just say (insert clever pun or cliche here)
5/2/03:we found the mass murdering terrorists, and are fighting these cowards with their own medicin, you won't hear about it, good ol' printing press agreed to our bribe... uh, I mean, nevermind
unfortunatly, my 2 body guards god injured, but chances are they will live. we have figured out that this terrorist group, the qaz-cocoabean group terrorists appear to be planning what they will have for dinner, a dastardly plan sure to doom the existance of the USA...
5/1/03:I'm at my Grandparents house. well, thats where we'll say Im at... I cant tell you my real location, it will destroy the FBI for good. I can tell you that I'm on the search of some really, really, bad people
4/30/03:today I left to my targeted destination. the government called me up, but I like to pretend I'm going on "vacation"
5/6/03:well, sorry its been so long since I updated my blog, so I'm going to pretend that I updated all these days by, uh, posting blog enteries in multipule dates, i was, well, away...
4/23/03:today, a kid came up to me and asked "you should try to break a world record!" curious, I asked why, he said "to prove your better than everyone else!" i just patted him on the back and shooshed him along, besides, i dont need to brake a record to prove that!
4/22/03:today, i wrote in my blog. it was action packed! so exciting! best day yet in my blog!
4/21/03: well, today i learned the old lesson the hard way. Dont cry over spilt milk, unless, you slip on the milk and land on your back, snapping it in two and therefor immobilizing you for life. it all happened this morning, when someone(me) put the lid on the milk wrong... now ill never run again...
4/20/03: Eastertime... its quitet, too quiet. a few days ago a friend and I discussed on how sectet the easter bunny is compared to santa. think about it, we dont know what he looks like, his home base, how he goes across the world, how he gets the eggs, how he knows what us little children want... NOTHING. there is a good chance that the Big Bunny lives somewhere in teh Easter Islands... but, that is not 100% confirmed
4/19/03: well, today was a boring day... as usual. The only highlight of the day is when the Government called because they needed my knowledge of lasers to help destroy a hurtuling Meteor that was flying through space at over 10x the speed of sound the size of Montana. but, other than that, my day really was eventless.